Thursday, December 28, 2006
about us
Sun in the Sixth House The sixth house is one of the more difficult positions for a composite Sun, because it is inherently a house of inequality. In most relationships there must be some balance between taking and giving. But in a relationship with a sixth-house Sun, one partner gives and the other takes. The great danger of this position is that one of you is likely to feel taken advantage of by the other. Perhaps the best way to deal with the problem may be by going into such a relationship in a spirit of service and help for your partner, with as little thought for yourself as possible. Another way of dealing with this position would be to have a common task or goal that you can work toward together.
Sun Opposition Venus This is one of the strongest indications of a love relationship between two people, even in a friendship. It does not primarily indicate a sexual relationship; instead it signifies love, pure and simple. The attraction indicated by this aspect is so powerful that it can bring together people who are incompatible by ordinary criteria. If the relationship is laden with conflicts, even a strong feeling of love between you may turn to hatred. In most cases, however, this will be a very fine personal relationship.
Moon in the Ninth House With the composite Moon in the ninth house, there is a strong feeling between you that you share basic attitudes about the world and philosophies of life. You feel that being together greatly expands your awareness. Even if your backgrounds are quite different, communication between you will not be difficult. At its best, this is a good position for learning and growth within a relationship. This position is strongest in situations that emphasize communication and exchange of ideas. In a personal relationship, this placement by itself works more to produce friendship than love.
Moon Conjunct Jupiter The conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter in a composite chart is a very favorable indication for any kind of personal relationship. You feel warm toward each other, and you can express your feelings easily and with enthusiasm. At the same time, you respect each other's emotions. You feel quite protective of your partner and try to keep him or her from being emotionally hurt by others. You have a great deal of respect for each other's freedom and individual rights. When disputes do arise, you will try to deal with them in a very high-minded manner. You will discuss the issues openly and try to resolve them in a way that is fair to both of you.
Moon Opposition Pluto The opposition of composite Moon and Pluto is an aspect of extreme emotional intensity, calling forth great involvement and strong feelings. If improperly handled, this combination can give rise to extreme jealousy, struggles for dominance, and excessive possessiveness. As a result, one of you may completely strangle the other's individuality, or at least attempt to do so. If this occurs, the one being dominated will find it very hard to deal with, because the tactics used to dominate will be subversive rather than direct. The power of this aspect can lead to emotional violence, which could destroy the relationship and leave much bad feeling in its wake. If you are tempted to use these tactics, don't. Be as straightforward and direct as possible. The results will probably be better than you imagine, and at least they will be less destructive. If you are the victim of such methods by your friend or partner, be direct and call your friend's bluff. Don't allow yourself to be the victim of any kind of emotional blackmail.
Venus in the Twelfth House Composite Venus is one of the least difficult planets to have in the twelfth house. This placement signifies that while you may have strong feelings of affection for each other, you may not be demonstrative about them. Other people may not even be aware of how you feel about each other. The twelfth-house Venus can be a sign of a secret relationship. Your relationship may be influenced to a considerable degree by unconscious factors in both of you. It may be difficult to understand the dynamics of this relationship. This can be either good or bad, of course, depending on what you do. In any case, you should try to understand what lies behind your relationship. On the clearly positive side, this placement can help both of you overcome your ego-drives within the relationship. Y ou are able to think of yourselves as a unit and to subordinate your personal interests to your interests as a couple.
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